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Board Chairman

Mr Ahmed Ragai

I am Delighted To Introduce And Welcome You To Rajac Schools. We Are Very Proud Of Our School,Our Faculty,Our Administrative Staff And Most Of All Our Student Body. It Is Known That The Future Depends On Knowledge,Skills And Proper Education. Therein Rajac We Teach For Life Not For School, This Required a Well Rounded Education That Has a Careful balance Of Academic, Sporting,Cultural And Spiritual Activities, All Lead To Confident And Well Educated Individuals Who Are Prepared For The Challenges Of Life. Our Teaching Staffs Are Devoted To Help All Students Achieve Their Maximum Potentialities in Order To Be Productive Members Of Our Society . Our Main Concern In Rajac School Is To Help Students Develop Leadership Qualities.

Mr. Ahmed Islam Ragai


Challenge is always unexpected and massive and “Responsibility “is everyone’s.
We live in a new intellectual world controlled and ruled by knowledge and science.
Our world is a one whose structure is strong well – educated, well – trained and efficient mankind.

Mr. Hasan Islam Ragai

Chief Executive officer

Rajac Educational foundation has been able, through its long journey,
to create generations who are capable of facing future challenges,
capable of creativity, reaching the aimed goals and fulfil their dreams,
this is one of our ambitions.
We were with you.. We are still with you. And we will continue for you.

Mr. Hamid Seleem

General Supervision Manager

Experience in the field of Education which went over generations and generations.
He is the first who founded the “Activity school “in Rajac Schools as Rajac is an educational institution which really cares for the student’s psychological mental and physical state.
Rajac is from the first major schools which adopted pedagogical, non- educational activities and related them to the student’s curriculum.
Rajac also was a major cause of producing and creating such amazing heroes and athletes in most sports on the national and global levels.

Rajac Direction

Rajac School strives to provide the best quality educational experience in order to up bring a generation of youth that is mentally,
physically, and socially capable of meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing and highly demanding world.
A generation that is proud of its cultural heritage and that understands and respects the vast cultural diversity of our global village

Rajac Vision

Rajac School seeks to develop well educated students to meet the demands of the future. The school graduates are expected to meet the challenges of rapidly changing world, and are expected to value the importance of upholding academic and moral excellence to take a learning part in tomorrow’s world.

Rajac News

Gentlemen, parents, we inform you that the study is continuous and regular in the school, according to the school’s regulations and what it approves, and in order to complete the educational process and the honesty that we have carried out on our shoulders, the school pledges to abide by all the precautionary measures that ensure safety for all, as well as dealing with all transparency with cases that may appear and follow them up. .

In the interest of the school to complete the educational process, we urge you not to be absent, as well as to adhere to the masks and disinfectant materials that accompany each student.


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